Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Let vacation begin!

“vol:” flight

“annulé:” cancelled

Kate and Chip (from Kansas), Erin and Jonathon (from South Carolina), and I departed Thursday, February 11th for our 10-day travel extravaganza! We first took a two-hour train to Lyon where there is a larger airport to fly out of.

Waiting in the Lyon airport to go to Madrid, I felt the need to write a poem. The gang made fun of me, but here it is anyway!

Poeme de l’aeroport

Here we sit in Lyon at the airport,

Underneath an inflatable fort.

We are waiting for the EasyJet,

Which has not seemed to arrive yet.

Luckily we have a table with five chairs,

Amid many jealous French stares.

The birds are chirping above our heads,

While we wish we could have remained in our beds.

The cards are thrown as games continue to be played-

This delay will not make us too dismayed.

Hopefully soon we will be in sunny Spain,

Hey it’s better than waiting to go to Maine!

Our easy route from Lyon to Madrid ended up with a cancelled flight due to bad weather, a day spent in the airport, little access to internet…resulting in us renting a car in Lyon and driving about five hours to Paris to catch a Madrid flight the next morning. It was a minor hiccup in plans that put us a day behind on our vacation schedule, but, c’est la vie.

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