Saturday, April 24, 2010

Paris avec mes parents!

"Voyager:" to travel

Paris was the first stop on my traveling adventure with my parents. I had all of last week off (thank you France for essentially giving us 2 Spring Breaks!), and they had been planning to come visit before I even got into the program!

I trained up to Paris the afternoon of Friday, April 8th, to meet up with Mom & Dad as well as Alicia for the weekend. Due to the train strikes (such a lovely way to make a point), the train station in Paris was absolutely packed and I ended up desperately searching for Alicia among the thousands of other travelers in the station. It was crucial that I found her at the station because she was coming with me to the hotel. Did we exchange phone numbers before? No. Did we set up a meeting point? No. Did I tell her where the hotel was before? No. After about an hour and a half, a dramatic moment ensued where I saw my long, lost friend across the station, and we ran into each other’s arms, vowing to THINK next time we decided to meet in a public place.

We headed over to the ritzy, tourist area on Rue de Rivoli across the Tuileries where the hotel was located. When Alicia and I walked up to the fancy-schmancy hotel, I believe the doormen were a bit confused as to why we were there, but we walked up like we were the cat’s meow anyway. Alicia was just staying with me for the weekend before she headed down to the South of France.

I was very happy to see my lovely parents, who traveled miles to visit. Soon thereafter, and for the duration of our travels, I became “travel mom,” with my kids to take care of (Mom & Dad). I led them around, ordered them food, got them snacks, held their tickets, and tried to keep them in order. I think my dad was in awe when I took them down to the metro and actually knew how to use it…we would be like 2 stops away from our destination, and he would say, “should we just take a taxi?” haha…suburban folks.

During the weekend, we tried to dodge the crowds in Paris where possible, however difficult this was due to springtime tourist season! On Saturday, I took my parents to my favorite area of Paris called, Le Marais, which includes the Jewish Quarter, and many small streets lined with boutiques and cafés. We wandered around there for a while, had a sit in Place de Vosges, which is a lovely square with a park in the middle, and checked out the art galleries lining the square. I introduced my parents to the delights of sidewalk crêpes, where the crêpe man makes them right there for you, with your choice of fillings, and its all warm and gooey when you eat it! My choice is butter and sugar. Yum. We found a great lunch spot in the area and sat peudo-outside at an open window sitting in plush lounge-style chairs. After a bottle of wine and a delicious lunch, it was difficult for us to get up! Saturday night we met up with cousin Emily Majerle who is currently studying in Angers but was in Paris for the night. We ate at a lovely restaurant in the Latin Quarter, Emily and I translating the all-French menu for everybody.

On Sunday, I took my parents to some of the smaller museums they had not seen before. First, we stopped in L’Orangerie, which is a great museum situated in the Tuileries garden, with wall-to-wall sized Monet’s. There are two, large, oval-sized rooms painted all in white with four grand Monet paintings each. The setting is almost breathtaking, with the huge waterlily masterpieces consuming the entire area. After L’Orangerie, we made our way over to the Rodin Museum via the park leading to the Hotel des Invalides. We were fortunate to have a lovely sunny day, so strolling through the park filled with soccer players, and Sunday grazers was quite pleasant. The Rodin museum is a great museum as well because it is inside this old, large house, that even creaks with every step as you move around. Inside, you can learn about Rodin’s sculpting process as well as see some of his many, many studies he made before completing the big pieces. Surrounding the house is a huge garden, with his sculptures strewn about. We enjoying walking through the garden with the great weather, as well as marveling at the grand sculptors Rodin created, and even stopping to contemplate Le Penseur (The Thinker).

After walking and museum-ing, it was time for lunch. We stopped in a café and I introduced my parents to the famous French sandwich, Croque Monsieur. It is essentially a gilled ham sandwich with melted cheese on top…devilishly delicious. I prefer the Croque Madame, which is the same but with a fried egg on top. Yum! After lunch we made our way by foot over to the Eiffel Tower so we could get some good tourist photos. Since there were only three of us, at every photo stop, we would have Dad take a picture of Mom and I, then I would take a picture of Dad and Mom, then Mom would take a picture of Dad and I. A hilarious moment ensued when Mom tried to take a picture of Dad and I this time: she would take the picture, Dad would look at it, chastise for putting the Eiffel Tower coming out of our heads, or not using the “rule of thirds,” or not composing the picture correctly, or not even getting the Eiffel Tower in the picture….needless to say, it took her a few tries to get the perfect shot. Ha.

We headed back to the hotel via a stroll along the Seine River…though I think it may have been too long for my parents…haha…I just kept telling my Dad, “we’re almost there!” I don’t think they appreciated it at the time, but I’m sure they’ll look back and thank me for making them walk in Paris.

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