Sunday, August 29, 2010

You know you're in France when...

  • You can buy a baguette on every corner.  
  • Nothing is open on Sundays except the Boulangeries who sell baguettes.
  • Cheese that is blue, green, black, brown, or even fuzzy is considered particularly good.  
  • There is no ice in drinks...ever.
  • 75% of the men you encounter are wearing man-purses (a.k.a. "man-sac," "murse.")
  • You are a girl sitting a bar drinking a pint of beer and the group of guys next to you are drinking hot chocolates.
  • Techno music is bumping from the speakers at most bars/clubs.
  • "Tik Tok" and "I Gotta Feeling" are played on repeat. 
  • You find a large cathedral in every town you visit.
  • A shoes saleswoman tells you your feet are too big and she cannot help you.
  • People stare at you funny when you exercise.  
  • You can only get really really small cups of coffee.
  • You have to watch your step at all times in order to prevent encountering dog poop mines.
  • Wine really is cheaper than water.
  • A beer is the same price as a Coca-Cola (sometimes cheaper!)
  • The boys urinal and girls toilets are in the same bathroom!
  • Dogs accompany their masters in restaurants, grocery stores, and shopping malls.
  • You try to speak French and people speak English back to you.  Ouch.
  • People cannot drink a beer straight--they will put peach or grenadine syrup in it called a "Demi-pêche" or a "Monaco"
  • Mojitos are offered at almost every bar
  • You can sit at a restaurant for 4 hours and no one will kick you out.
  • It is considered pretty good service if you actually get water at a restaurant without asking.
  • There is a large section at the grocery store dedicated solely to NUTELLA.  On the other hand, there is usually only 1-2 jars of peanut butter.
  • Stores are closed between noon and 2pm...sometimes even restaurants!
  • People iron their sheets...and jeans.
To be continued...

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