Sunday, October 10, 2010

The trials of shoe shopping

"Les chaussures:" shoes
"Les bottes:" boots

Yesterday, with not much to do, Kate and I sent out about town to do some shopping and take advantage of the sunny, 75 degree weather that is still finding its way into fall.  I had been eying a pair of knee-high camel-colored boots in a store window the last few times I had passed, so I decided to finally go in and try them on.  This particular store is very small, shoes-only, so once I picked up the boot and decided to give it a try, I had to wait a couple of minutes for one of the two workers to assist me.  Finally, one of them asked me if I wanted to try them on and in what size.  I told her yes, in "41" (exchange all in French, of course).  She brought out the box, and I excitedly slid little the little socks on, preparing my feet to enter fall fashion.  As soon as my foot slid in, however, it was immediately apparent that it was too small, as the sides of my feet felt like they had been squished into a wooden clog.   Here's is how the conversation with the saleslady went down:

Me: "These are very uncomfortable, I think they are too small."
Saleslady: "No, no, they look good.  It's just because you were wearing flip-flops before."
Me: "Uhh, no I don't think so...they are really, really uncomfortable, I can barely walk in them."
Saleslady: "No, no, I think they fit."
Salesman: "Yes, they are good."
Me: "No, no, they are not good."

So I start to take them off, and Kate notices that the bottom says they are size 40. Aha!

Me: "Excuse me, Madame, but I see the problem, these are size 40! Can I try a size 41?" (as I had originally asked)
Saleslady: "Oh no, I normally wear a size 39 and I bought these in a 38 so you do not want a 41."
Me: "Yes, but I actually DO want a 41, since the 40's were too small..."
Saleslady: "I don't think you do want the 41."
Me: "Ok, well, can I at least try the 41??"
Saleslady: " you wish, but I'm telling you the 41 is going to be too big."

So Jean-François, the salesman brings me out a 41 (but in black), and I try it on, and what do you know? It fits! Meanwhile, as I am walking around the store checking out my new fall fashion look (albeit in black), both salespeople proclaim that they are "too big." I say, no they are perfect and they shrug their shoulders, and roll their eyes, saying, "comme vous voulez" (as you wish).

OK, so I love the boots, but I would like them in brown, not black. I ask for brown in 41 and they go back and check, and of course have none. Bummer.

Me: "Will you be getting some more in soon?"
Saleslady: "No."
Me: "Will you ever get them in again?"
Saleslady: "No, never."
Me: "Ok...thanks anyway, then."

And we walk out, them looking at me like it is "my loss" for me not buying the boots and therefore not giving them money.

Depressed as I was, it made me replay the situation in my head as if I were in the U.S., let's say, at Nordstrom. If I had found boots I loved at Nordstrom but not in the right size or color, the salesperson there would: call the 12 closest stores nearby to see if they have them, call stores from California to New York to see if they have them, check online if they have them, call the warehouse to see if maybe there is a pair hidden there somewhere, or if none of the above prevailed, probably just have some little elves in the back custom make them for me....and then any option with free shipping of course. Either way, I would not be walking out of the store without making a purchase of some kind.

Maybe the lack of sales service in France is just preventing me from spending too much money...

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