Sunday, December 19, 2010

La Fin

"La fin:" the end

As I click my ruby red heels together tomorrow to come home, I feel it necessary to reflect upon the last year of my life, and les aventures de la vie française.  My return will definitely be bittersweet.  While I am incredibly excited to see my family and friends, it is still sad closing this chapter of my life.  In the past year I,
  • Learned to speak a second language fluently,
  • Traveled to Spain, Morocco, Belgium, the Netherlands, Serbia, Greece, Monaco, Switzerland (3 times), and all over France,  
  • Made friends with French, Italians, Moroccans, Spanish, Mexicans, Finnish, Russians, Greeks, Germans, Swedish, Brazilians, Portuguese,
  • Shared a room with another person (and we did not kill each other), 
  • Had a boy roommate (and didn't kill him either!),
  • Ate escargot, oysters, mussels, cow stomach, pig brains, horse, kangaroo, cow liver, raw duck, and frog legs all for the first time,
  • Learned how make French crêpes, Spanish tortillas, Moroccan tajines,
  • Had my first real professional business experience,
  • Figured out what I want to do with my life (professionally),
  • Experienced being really really alone, and lived through it,
  • Talked to my parents more than I do when I am at home,
  • Saw a lot of castles and cathedrals,
  • Drank a whole lot of wine,
  • Ate a whole lot of stinky cheese,
  • Averaged about 1 baguette purchase per day,
  • Got kissed underneath the Eiffel Tower,
  • Watched a lot of rugby (and still don't really understand it),
  • Watched my first World Cup in Soccer,
  • Rode on a motorcycle for the first time,
  • Stepped in French dog poop,
  • Got lost many times,
  • Hiked through waterfalls,
  • Hiked up volcanoes,
  • Went to the beach,
  • Skied the Alps,
  • Helped a friend,
  • Met a boy, 
  • Walked (everywhere),
  • Was scared,
  • Was uncomfortable,
  • Was happy,
  • Laughed,
  • Cried,
  • Danced.
In the past year I,
  • Lived in France.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hellos & Goodbyes

"Au revoir:" I'll see you again
"A bientôt:" See you soon
"A plus tard:" See you later
"Adieu:" Goodbye

In France, one only says "Adieu" when you really mean goodbye, when you are really not going to see that person in a while--it is not used daily. Since I am leaving in a week I am going to have to say "Adieu" to a lot of people, and the crazy part, is that I really may not see some of the people ever again. Now there is the internet, email, facebook, and everything, but really I may never SEE these people again. Maybe I will, I don't know. Friends, colleagues, even the owner of the wine shop I always go to, or the husband and wife who own my favorite restaurant. It's always a little sad having say goodbye, even if its not someone you think you will miss a ton...goodbyes can signify the end of something, and in this case, the end of my year in France. Many people have asked me how long my holiday break is before I come back, and I have to tell them non, c'est fini, it's over, I'm leaving for good. I am very excited to come home and see my family and friends, but saying goodbye may be difficult.

C'est bientôt fini. It's almost over. 

Maybe I will find my way back.