Sunday, January 31, 2010

Americans are loud

Friday night Kate, Jonathan (from South Carolina), and Daniel (from Brazil) went to the Cinema to see Up in the Air. They show a few American movies with French subtitles here, so that's pretty nice when we need our American fix. The tickets were only 4 euros! Cheaper than in the states to go to the movies!! As normal, us Americans searched for the concession stands. I wanted to see if they had a similar setup here as at home. We followed the signs and they led us to...a vending machine. Haha. Not quite the same popcorn, soda, icee setting!

During the movie, there were some really funny parts so naturally, we all laughed. Maybe it was that the other french people at the theater did not understand the humor, or that they just don't laugh during movies, but the four us were busting out laughing super loud and not a single other chuckle could be heard in the theater. I have actually been told by some French people that Americans tend to laugh much louder than the French. Well we sure proved this! To make matters worse (or funnier), Kate brought some gummy bear candies (ofcourse we need treats during the movie!) and every time any of us ate some we made really loud plastic bag crinkling sounds...damn Americans and their junk food and their noisemaking...haha I swear no one else made a peep in that theater! Oh well.

As for the noise levels, I have noticed in my classes that the French speak very softly. Even if we are in a class of 50 people. I can barely understand the language as it is and then when they raise their hand and whisper their answer to the teacher, I am totally out of luck. This is definitely not the case for Kate, Chip, and I, as it is shocking when we speak in class because we are so much louder than everybody else! Everything is bigger in America, even our voices!

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