Tuesday, January 19, 2010

France vs. United States

2.5 weeks into living in France, here are some observations I have made comparing this country to the U.S.

1. There is in fact dog poop on the sidewalks...everywhere. No little poop bag dispensers here!
2. The country shuts down on Sundays, pretty much everything is closed.
3. There are 82383437489 different kinds of cheeses here and I love it!
4. They have yet to invent ice in this country. Hello lukewarm liquids!
5. Don't even think about ordering a "tall, grande, or venti latte" here. Coffee comes in two sizes, espresso and espresso with a little bit of milk. BUT...it's actually much better tasting.
6. "Entree" in French actually means what we would think of as an appetizer or first course, not the main course as we call it in the States.
7. The french terms, "C'est la vie" and "laissez-faire" really do apply to all aspects of life here. No hurry, no problem, don't worry about it.
8. Garbage disposals do not exist. Bummer.
9. Peanut butter is not a hot commodity here as it is at home. 5 euros (about $7.50) for one little jar!

That's all for now...I'm sure the list will grow as I continue my adventures...

1 comment:

  1. My roommate studied in France for a summer and she said she would have committed homicide for an iced tea and/or some Mexican food. When she got back to Lawrence, the 2 of us completed a tour of every Mexican restaurant in the city. :)

    Love your updates! Keep 'em coming!

