Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 2: Interlaken hiking

Thursday morning we woke up early to adventure in the mountains.  We grabbed some breakfast at a little bakery, and took a few trains up into the mountains to do some of Rick Steve's reccommended hikes.  (He accompanied us along the whole trip and was very helpful--for those of you don't know, Rick Steve's writes traveler guide books).  The hike was quite nice, mostly flat around the mountains with a little bit of misting here and there.  Thank goodness Matt and I had our matching Marmot rain jackets (Thanks Mom & Dad!).  You cannot imagine the wonderful views we had--the un-snow-covered mountains are amazing: green grass and trees, rocks, and only some snow-caps on the highest tops.  We stopped on a bench to eat our packed sandwiches and chocolate, overlooking a bowel with a little town far below.

After the hike, we were a bit tired, but decided to push through to see this series of waterfalls called Trummelbach Falls, just outside of Lauterbrennen.  It was pretty neat-we took an elevator up inside the system of caves and walked through to see a total of 10 waterfalls flowing thorugh.  The glacier water putt off a cool, breezy mist throughout the caves.  It was cool to see how the water had carved out the rock throughout.  It was running to hard and fast that we could hardly hear each other talking!

When we got back to Interlaken, we had dinner at one of Rick Steve's recommended restaurants, Le Büren.  I had pork cordon-bleu, which wad delicious.  Matt tried eating horse meat for the first time, and enjoyed it despite the horse-drawn carriages that passed as we were eating on the patio.  Unfortunately, he did not think of the appropriate pun until the next day, "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse."  Better luck next time.   After dinner we seeked out some chocolate fondue with no success, so instead went back to our hostel bar and had some hot chocolates and amaretto.  We also made bets on how much the hotel dog weighed- a St. Bernard.  I ended up being the closest, he is 80kg, which is about 170lbs.  That's a big dog!  All he did was sleep and drool, but was super cute nonetheless!  I noticed a lot of dogs in Switzerland, big and small, but absolutely NO dog poop on the sidewalks, unlike in France.  They are very clean and organized in Switzerland.

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