Monday, March 8, 2010

No T.V. and No Internet make Michelle go….

"Pas de probleme" No Problem!

So, we do not have T.V. or Internet in our apartment. It was a little adjustment at first, but we have made it work. It actually forces me to do other things, sometimes even…productive things! We are fortunate enough that we have very nice landlords who live right behind our apartment, and they allow us to use the Internet in their basement. Otherwise, we would just have to use it at school, or pay at an Internet café. I do miss the convenience of just being able to hop on the internet at any moment when you are at home, but I have been able to adjust. No T.V. has not been too bad either, because I can download my favorite T.V. shows online and watch them. The one advantage of having a T.V. at the apartment would be so we could watch French news and such to get that further exposure to the language.

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